• rishikeshexplore@gmail.com
  • +91 9528933029, 8392812353
  • Shivpuri, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand.

About Us

Since 2015

About Us

Rafting Joy is tha big name of Adventure sports agency. Rafting is a sport in which rafters use an inflatable raft to race with other teams. The team that reaches the destination first wins the race. The racing is done on white water or rough water of different degrees. The rafters use double blades to paddle the boat.

We Are Provide Some Adventures Services.
Rafting Joy is tha big name of Adventure sports agency. Rafting is a sport in which rafters use an inflatable raft to race with other teams. The team that reaches the destination first wins the race. The racing is done on white water or rough water of different degrees. The rafters use double blades to paddle the boat.
Rafting Joy is tha big name of Adventure sports agency. Rafting is a sport in which rafters use an inflatable raft to race with other teams. The team that reaches the destination first wins the race. The racing is done on white water or rough water of different degrees. The rafters use double blades to paddle the boat.
Rafting Joy is tha big name of Adventure sports agency. Rafting is a sport in which rafters use an inflatable raft to race with other teams.

Why we Choose ?

100+ Our Local
100% Trusted Tour
15+ Years of Travel
100% Quality